
Wednesday, June 11, 2014


 Aren't these guys beautiful! You know we longed for children for ever! Seemed like when I couldn't conceive it just didn't matter as I already  knew because of past problems. God connected us with NeVaeh very quickly in our journey though we thought we had a few bumps in the road but hind site....well it really wasn't much. She was in our home quickly and we adopted her within about 9 months. 
The other two....It was like searching for a needle in a haystack of children that were all in site might you say! We inquired and inquired and inquired.....three plus years later we finally got matched with these two lovely children and then our obsticles just kept jumping in our way. Including lost paper work and oh too so many things. But then the wonderful day over 9 months later came we got to go and meet them and we live happily ever after!
If anyone told you adoption is a cakewalk they are just teasing!
Well it took over fourteen  months to finalized...but that didn't matter.
 We love our kids unconditional!!!
They love us ...unconditional...most days (I hope).
Please don't get me wrong we do love them dearly and are the happiest parents in the world but this year somedays has gotten a bit overwhelming. Of course you say it would with anychild. Well yes. It would. I won't argue, I don't live in your shoes and I never planned to live it being all butterflies and roses. But been a little stressed some days so writing it out can help me. After mom died I have nobody to bounce things off of.
Well our oldest God bless her. We go tommorrow to have a sedated ABR done. Whats that you say? Its a hearing test. Last year we found out with the non-sedated one that she has no audible hearing in her left ear. This year they did an OAE which is a different kind of hearing test only detects hearing loss. They said she has hearing loss now in her right ear too. So tommorow they will sedate her for the test and get an accurate testing and most likely fit her for a hearing aid.
Hopefully we will be able to keep it in or at least during school...notice how well her glasses stay on. 
Our beautiful son...Ohh how we love you! ADHD is so nasty some days. It can over come him. His meds suddenly one day in church decided not to work. I carried him out during the lords prayer as he just  was so rebbed up he couldn't stop. We are in the process of changing meds on him now but certain times of day he just can not stop. And there is not reasoning at that point we could just walk out. So many broken toys and uggh! Then..."I love you Mom"
Baby Girl....A couple weeks after mom died the Doctor read her MRI and said her Moyamoya has progressed and she needs to see a neurosurgeon before she posibly has a stroke....Yes that was in February. This is June. We have been fighting insurance to get approval to go to Wisconson and finally got it so we can go in July.
She is a firecracker herself and can be a challenge at times. The Psychiatrist reminds us after looking at her MRI...You know she is a miracle! Looking at her brain...One wouldn't think she could do everything she does!
Well that statement makes me smile! Yes they are all Miracles! They are all ours. Our oldest is missing parts of her first chromosome and has additional of another and she functions really pretty good considering, and the other two did have a rough start. They have all come miles in their progress since they have come here! We do love them unconditionally! They do love us unconditionally. Yes days are rough but it is all better when I kiss them goodnight and all is calm and quiet once again!

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