
Monday, May 23, 2011

School's out for Summer!!

Well the school year is done. This last month NeVaeh had several activities. The spring program was in early May. She seemed like she enjoyed it and did participate in some of the actions of the music.
She had a couple field trips. One to a children's museum in Brookings which she really liked and one Bowling. I guess she really enjoyed watching the others bowl and when she tried she wanted to run after the ball down the lane. Then they turned the big light out and she got scared and just sat  back and watched the others. I got to go and watch their field day. She actually did some participating. It was cute. She especially liked the gunny sack race and the race that they were supposed to put their foot into the pool and fish out marbles. She however had in her mind to just get in the kiddie pool. Each of the kids took one turn at the pool but she went back 3 times. The third time her one on one had to hold her up as she was trying to get in with both feet and sit down LOL.  Keep in mind it was only the low 60's that day so it really wasn't swimming weather.

 NeVaeh is in a gunny sack jumping

 Crawling under the hurdles in the obstacle course.

 still working on the obstacle course
 at the pool in the red pants
 One more time running back to the group from the pool.
 putting her feet in the pool and more.......
running back to the group .... again.. She had do much fun!!

Thought I would share this little clip too. I caught of NeVaeh. She was having a chuckle out of watching her movie.......
We got NeVaeh a little Ipod for working with at home so we can do little things with educational apps like what she was doing in school. It was a bit cheaper that the Ipad but we will break down and buy one of them for her one day too.
Now its time for summer fun!
Hopefully it will be dry enough to get outside and play!!
We hope everyone else has a good summer too!!!!