First grade is going well so far this fall. Of course she spends lot of time in her own self contained classroom and little time actually with the actual classroom but she is doing well. No real behaviors or anything this fall like last fall was. She got her glasses a few weeks ago and will wear them for half hour to an hour at a time them take them off and sign all done. Much better than I expected. She is so much more mature this year than she was last year. She still works on an IPad in school and plays with her Ipod at home. Hopefully we will get it figured out if they are actually going to use the IPad for the communication device so we can purchase one. She still also uses her GoTalk but its getting old and we need to get something more complex that will better meet her communication needs. At home she's great to use sign language but school they work harder on using the device. She loves playing with her IPod at home!
She is vocalizing a lot more but not really saying too many words yet. She has the important words down... Mom, Dada, & Yeah, I can't begin to list the amount of signs she uses. She is consistent with her yes and no's when she signs them but not necessarily when she says them as she always says Yeah. She is a very decisive child and always knows what she wants.
I took pictures of her and thank goodness for digital camera as she wont stand still for anything!! LOL
NeVaeh is actually fun to go shopping with. She will pick things out as we go. I always tell Dan if there's something odd in the pantry its because NeVaeh insisted. She always remembers it too and asks as soon as we get home to eat it or play with it.
We went shoe and winter coat shopping yesterday and she was great. I was even able to try them on her without any complaints or tantrums. She didn't even wander away while I tried to look for other styles of coats. This is such an advancement....last year she could only stay in the shopping cart or stroller now she walks along, cooperates and we have fun!!
She's growing up!